Monday, May 5, 2008


Hmm, its monday. haha. lame~ Urm, we dunno how to explain to u guys that WE LOVE wearing formal clothes. We bought few sets during summer semester but we DIN get the chance to SHOW them. hihihi!!! We dun understand why many people are not comfortable with formal clothes. HEY, its cool, okay??? ^^ To capture the FORMAL moment, we took few photos (though they are not clear). In short, WE LOVE FORMAL:)

At vincci (tun jugah)

Swinburne Carpark

Swinburne Carpark 2

TANGO beside ALVIN's car

erm, tis is ALVIN @ fang fang @ xiao jing. he is a nice guy loh. wat more to say. owes bring us go out eat. hehehe^^ tis is him wif his NEW spec. hot blooded said he looks like professor in it. but cold blooded thinks that suits him quite well. wat do u think??? lalala~

cold, vin, hot

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

wei.. reli so desperate wear formal? den y take pic at car place liao ha? XD